Biaya Kuliah Universitas Swiss German (USG) Tahun 2020/2021

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Swiss German University adalah Universitas Swasta yang disponsori oleh Yayasan Swiss German dan terletak di Alam Sutera, Tangerang, Banten, Indonesia. Swiss German University didirikan pada tahun 2000 sebagai usaha bersama antara investor swasta dari Jerman dan Indonesia.

*All amount stated in Rupiah, except those stated in Euro
*Sustainable Energy and Environment dual degree program for 12 year in Germany
*International Culinary Business dial degree program for 1 year in Switzerland


  1. The tuition fee include SGU jacket, orientation week and personal accident insurance. The fee excludes books, any repetition exams, additional credits, graduation ceremony.
  2. Confirmation fee: Rp. 10.000.000,00, to be paid within one month after entrance test announced and this is non-refundable.
  3. Development fee & semester 1 fee can be paid in 3x installment.
  4. The Dual Degree fee includes: entry visa to Germany, Health insurance, registration fees paid to partner university, cooperation and examination. The fee excludes flight ticket and living cost in Germany.
  5. The Dual Degree fee of IMI University Centre Switzerland for Hotel and Tourism Management Study program is explained in separate sheets.
Baca Juga:   Biaya Kuliah Universitas Muhammadiyah Bandung (UMBandung) Tahun 2020/2021

Graduate (Master)


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