Pendaftaran Universitas Swiss German (USG) Tahun 2020/2021

Pusat Informasi Biaya Kuliah menyampaikan informasi tentang Pendaftaran Universitas Swiss German (USG) Tahun 2020/2021, semoga informasi ini bermanfaat

General Requirement

  1. The candidate should be in Class XII of high school/equivalent and/or should not be older than 22 years in the first academic semester.
  2. All candidate must join and pass SGU Entrance Test that consist of Written Test & Interview, except ones who choose PMDK Pathway.
  3. Candidate must choose only 1 (one) out of the 3 (three) Admission Pathways provided:

i. Scholarship pathway.
ii. Regular pathway (including Transfer Student).
iii. PMDK (Penelusuran Minat dan Kemampuan) pathway.

  1. Candidate who has passed Entrance Test and chosen a pathway (Scholarship or Regular) can get particular discount based on the payment batch or any promotional discount available, except one who choose PMDK since it has its own criteria.

General Admission Required Documents

a. 1 copy of High School report for Class X, XI, and XII legalized by the principal.
b. 1 copy of ID Card (KTP/SIM/Passport) for Local Students.
c. 1 copy of Passport & KITAS for International Students.
d. 2 photographs of 4×6cm (in color, with red as background).
e. 1 copy of Birth Certificate (AktaKelahiran).
f. 1 copy of Family Certificate (KartuKeluarga).
g. A doctor’s certificate stating that the student does not suffer from color blindness (Life Sciences & Technology students only).
h. 1 copy of High School official certificate (IJAZAH SMA/SMK/MA), legalized by the principal (once it is published).
i. 1 copy of High School official transcript (SKHUN of SMA/SMK/MA), legalized by the principal (once it is published).
j. Candidates graduating from overseas or an international high school should legalize/”penyetaraan” the high school certificate through the Ministry of National Education of Indonesia or do take IJAZAH Paket C.

* Additional requirements for other study programs may apply.


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